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Phone & Fax Numbers for All Locations
Phone: 703-924-2100 | Fax: 703-922-6067

Inova Healthplex Office
6355 Walker Lane, Ste 401, Alexandria, VA 22310
Potomac Yard Office
3600 S. Glebe Rd., Ste 150, Arlington, VA 22202
Duke Street Office
2747 Duke Street, AAlexandria, VA 22314


Inova Healthplex: Mon-Thu: 6am-8pm | Fri: 6am-6pm | Sat: 8am-12pm | Sun: closed

Potomac Yard: Mon-Thu: 6am-8pm | Fri: 6am-6pm | Sat: closed | Sun: 8am-12pm

Duke Street: Mon-Thu: 6am-8pm | Fri: 6am-6pm | Sat: closed | Sun: closed


Immunization Policy

Pediatric Associates of Alexandria Vaccine Policy

Pediatrics Associates of Alexandria (PAA) is a large practice, caring for thousands of children. Every day, we have hundreds of children coming in and out of our office. Some are too young to be vaccinated and are therefore vulnerable to severe, potentially life-threatening infection. It is our duty to protect each of our patients to the best of our ability from any infection that could be contracted in our office.

Due to recent concern of highly contagious, vaccine-preventable illnesses in our region, PAA is revising our vaccine policy. This is being done to better protect all our patients, as well as their caregivers and our greater community.

Patients at PAA will be REQUIRED:

  1. To start required* childhood immunizations at 2 months of age, unless there is a medical contraindication.
  2. To complete required* childhood immunizations no later than 2 years of age, unless there is a medical contraindication.
  3. To complete immunization boosters required* after the fourth birthday by 6 years of age, unless there is a medical contraindication.
  4. To complete immunization boosters required* after the tenth birthday, within 1 year after the latest recommended date for administration, unless there is a medical contraindication.
  5. Children who are behind in their vaccines will have 30 days to initiate the catch-up process, and 6 months in which to receive all needed additional vaccines.

Immunization status will be reviewed and discussed at office visits with a provider. 

This policy will be updated should any new  recommendations/requirements arise as determined by authorities including the CDC, AAP, ACIP, or the State of Virginia. Legal guardians who are not able to abide by the above guidelines will be asked to find a medical practice that is able to comply with their beliefs.Pediatric Associates has no greater responsibility than to protect each and every one of our patients.  Having a fully immunized patient population is essential to our providing this protection.

*Required vaccines are those required by the State of Virginia for school entry. These include DTaP, HIB, IPV, Prevnar, Hepatitis B, MMR, Varicella, Tdap, Menactra and HPV.

See https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/immunization/requirements/ for details.

AAP  immunization schedule: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-child-combined-schedule.pdf